Saturday, August 25, 2018

Dresden in ruins after Allied bombings, February 1945, Germany, WWII. The total number of people killed in the bombing of Dresden is estimated to be between 22,700 and 25,000.
Dresden was not a military target, but was instead attacked because of its important civilian infrastructure. The desire was to cause as much disruption as possible to life in Germany, and to prevent evacuation of civilians from the east. In fact most of the infrastructure was housed on the outskirts of the city with Dresden being known more for its cultural significance. Some people have argued that the bombing of Dresden was technically a war crime, as there was virtually no military justification for the targeting of such a large civilian area. In fact at the time of the bombing Dresden was housing refugees from the east of Europe who were fleeing the advancing Red Army. Even those who disagree over the term ‘war crime’, conclude that the bombing of Dresden was a grossly immoral act. Anthony Clifford Grayling has stated "Destroying everything contravenes every moral and humanitarian principle debated in connection with the just conduct of war"

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