Monday, March 4, 2019

FACT CHECK: Did Planned Parenthood Harvest the Brain from a Living, Late-Term Fetus?
Here’s a Snopes article calling Planned Parenthood organ harvesting “mixed.” Read this shit and tell me how this isn’t just straight up true. A baby was “aborted” then his heart was restarted so he could be harvested for organs and tissue. She cut into his face with scissors and removed his brain. They’re saying it’s mixed because the baby was technically dead when they began harvesting but they did in fact keep him alive longer, outside the womb, so he could be harvested.
Snopes even tries to give full context of the video and the full context is she laughed about it and told the interviewer he was being dramatic. So therefore the video is discredited.
Gee, I can’t imagine why there’s a resurgence in the pro-life movement.

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