“ The Weather Underground (formerly known as The Weathermen) was a left-wing domestic terrorist group that attempted to violently overthrow the United States government through a nationwide bombing campaign, claiming responsibility...
The Weather Underground (formerly known as The Weathermen) was a left-wing domestic terrorist group that attempted to violently overthrow the United States government through a nationwide bombing campaign, claiming responsibility for 25 bombings from 1969-1975. They considered themselves Communist radicals and were characterized by their virulent opposition to the Vietnam War and the racial injustices faced by black Americans. One group leader stated: “We’re against everything that’s ‘good and decent’ in honky America. We will burn and loot and destroy. We are the incubation of your mother’s nightmare”. 
In it’s first year, the group staged a violent demonstration in Chicago, as well as bombing Chicago police cars and fire-bombing a Supreme Court Justice’s home. In 1970, three members were accidentally killed when a nail bomb intended for an army base exploded, and many went into hiding “underground” across the country and 13 members were put on the FBI’s Most Wanted List and indicted on conspiracy charges. After this, the group shrank, their mission became more violent, and the bombings escalated. Between 1970-76, bombing targets included the Pentagon, the State Department, and the Capitol Building, police departments, federal military buildings, correctional department and prison offices, universities, corporations, courthouses, and the Bank of America Headquarters; half of these occurred in 1970. None of the bombs were lethal, but they significantly damaged property. 
Members were arrested throughout this time, and some went to prison. The FBI infiltrated the group by early 1970 and as part of COINTELPRO, illegally conducted surveillance on members’ friends and families. In 1973, charges against most members were dropped in an attempt to cover this up. In 1974, the Communist Prairie Fire Manifesto was published and they split into several factions. By 1977, the group had disbanded and members turned themselves in, many facing minimal consequences. In 1981, four former members were involved in a bank robbery that left three dead; two members are currently incarcerated.
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(via sturmgeist89)