Thursday, November 10, 2011

oldhollywood:  Akira Kurosawa sets up the shot of Toshiro Mifune’s death in Throne of Blood (1957) (via) “In order to write scripts, you must first study the great novels and dramas of the world. You must consider why they are great. Where does the emotion come from that you feel as you read them? What degree of passion did the author have to have, what level of meticulousness did he have to command, in order to portray the characters and events as he did? You must read thoroughly, to the point where you can grasp all these things.” -Kurosawa, Something Like an Autobiography

Akira Kurosawa sets up the shot of Toshiro Mifune’s death in Throne of Blood (1957) (via)

“In order to write scripts, you must first study the great novels and dramas of the world. You must consider why they are great. Where does the emotion come from that you feel as you read them? What degree of passion did the author have to have, what level of meticulousness did he have to command, in order to portray the characters and events as he did? You must read thoroughly, to the point where you can grasp all these things.”

-Kurosawa, Something Like an Autobiography

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