Thursday, July 23, 2015

Among the bones from @medicalmuseion
 Collection of Pathological are two skulls of 
newborns with cleft lip and palate. This birth defect is due to tissues 
of the face not joining together during the development. The causes is 
unknown. Previous the birth defect was known as a hare-lip due to 
similarity to a rabbit  Newborns with this defect have very often 
feedings problems, hearing and speech problems among others. Today a 
cleft lip and palate can be successfully treated with Surgery. Via @nagerna

Among the bones from @medicalmuseion Collection of Pathological are two skulls of newborns with cleft lip and palate. This birth defect is due to tissues of the face not joining together during the development. The causes is unknown. Previous the birth defect was known as a hare-lip due to similarity to a rabbit  Newborns with this defect have very often feedings problems, hearing and speech problems among others. Today a cleft lip and palate can be successfully treated with Surgery.

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