Wednesday, July 22, 2015


“No!” [Johnny Depp] said. “That’s impossible! I’ve never known a 
Monday night without a game on TV. What is the stock market doing?”    "Nothing yet,“ I said. “It’s been closed for six days.”     “Ye gods,” he muttered. “No stock market, no football—this is Serious.”   
 Just then I heard the lock of my gas tank rattling, so I rushed outside
 with a shotgun and fired both barrels into the darkness. Poachers! I 
thought. Blow their heads off! This is War! So I fired another blast in 
the general direction of the gas pump, then I went inside to reload.    "Why are you shooting?“ my assistant Anita screamed at me. "What are you shooting at?”    "The enemy,“ I said gruffly. "He is down there stealing our gasoline line.”    "Nonsense,“ she said. "That tank has been empty since June. You probably killed one of your peacocks.”    At dawn I went down to the tank and found the gas hose shredded by birdshot and two peacocks dead.So what? I thought. What is more important right now—my precious gasoline or the lives of some silly birds?
–Hunter S. Thompson


“No!” [Johnny Depp] said. “That’s impossible! I’ve never known a Monday night without a game on TV. What is the stock market doing?”

   "Nothing yet,“ I said. “It’s been closed for six days.”
    “Ye gods,” he muttered. “No stock market, no football—this is Serious.”
  Just then I heard the lock of my gas tank rattling, so I rushed outside with a shotgun and fired both barrels into the darkness. Poachers! I thought. Blow their heads off! This is War! So I fired another blast in the general direction of the gas pump, then I went inside to reload.
   "Why are you shooting?“ my assistant Anita screamed at me. "What are you shooting at?”
   "The enemy,“ I said gruffly. "He is down there stealing our gasoline line.”
   "Nonsense,“ she said. "That tank has been empty since June. You probably killed one of your peacocks.”

   At dawn I went down to the tank and found the gas hose shredded by birdshot and two peacocks dead.
So what? I thought. What is more important right now—my precious gasoline or the lives of some silly birds?
–Hunter S. Thompson

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