Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The A70 Abduction One of the most infamous cases of alleged alien abduction took place in the outskirts Edinburgh in 1992. Two friends, Garry Wood and Colin Wright, were driving down the A70 near Edinburgh at approximately 10pm on 17 August 1992,...

The A70 Abduction

One of the most infamous cases of alleged alien abduction took place in the outskirts Edinburgh in 1992. Two friends, Garry Wood and Colin Wright, were driving down the A70 near Edinburgh at approximately 10pm on 17 August 1992, when they noticed a disc-shaped black object floating approximately 20ft in the air in front of the car. As the object came closer, a bright light emanated from it. Garry sped the car up in an attempt to get away from the bizarre object.
What happened next remains an enigma, but both men passed out for what they believed to be a couple of seconds. When they came to, the car was facing the opposite direction even though they had no recollection of turning around. Their seat belts were unfastened and they were shaking uncontrollably. Even more ominous, two hours had somehow passed. Over the forthcoming days, Garry and Colin felt completely drained of energy but couldn’t sleep. They both experienced disturbing dreams and had severe headaches. They decided to contact the British UFO Research Association who suggested being hypnotised in an attempt to discover what took place during those missing two hours. During these sessions, both men recalled sitting in the car when it was stopped below the UFO. Then, alien like creatures departed the floating object and approached the car. Garry then recalled feeling an excruciating pain in his stomach - “You know, live you’ve been electrocuted,” he said. They were taken to the UFO by the aliens and taken to a featureless room where they were the stripped naked and examined before being placed into a transparent container and strapped in. As they looked around, they both recalled seeing other men and women in the same transparent containers. Both men recollected how they saw tall humanoid creatures inside the UFO and heard agonising screams.
As they both detailed what they experienced, they became extremely shaky and often cried as they recalled the bizarre experience. They spoke of one taller humanoid creature who seemed to oversee the entire episode. The most chilling thing Garry remembered, however, was this taller humanoid creature telepathically telling him “we are here already and we are coming here!”
Reblog - Posted 1 day ago with 134 notes

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