Saturday, April 14, 2018

“Henry Lee Lucas’ first murder was in 1960. He had killed his own mother after an argument, and only served ten years in prison. He went back to prison after attempting to kidnap three school girls and was released in 1975. Shortly...
Henry Lee Lucas’ first murder was in 1960. He had killed his own mother after an argument, and only served ten years in prison. He went back to prison after attempting to kidnap three school girls and was released in 1975. Shortly after, he traveled to Michigan where he met a petty thief named Ottis Toole. The two hit it off after they realized they shared an unhealthy interest in rape and death. Henry also began dating Ottis’ mentally handicapped 10-year-old niece Becky Powell, but Henry eventually killed her as well as Katherine Rich, an elderly woman they had been staying with. The duo’s main murder scene was Interstate 35, and during the 70s and 80s, the highway was nearly littered with corpses. The bodies were sometimes shot, strangled, dismembered, beaten, and necrophiled. Henry revealed that Ottis enjoyed crucifying his victims, after which he would barbecue and eat them. He denied taking any part in these unholy feasts, though, saying it was because he ‘’didn’t like barbecue sauce.’’ Ottis has also been blamed for the murder of 6-year-old Adam Walsh, son of America’s Most Wanted host John Walsh. Henry and Ottis were eventually arrested, and Henry, a notorious liar who made many false confessions to murders, claimed to have killed over 600 people. However, he was only convicted of killing 157. Both men were sentenced to life in prison. Ottis died of cirrhosis of the liver in 1996, and Henry died of heart failure in 2001.

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