Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Free Murd.

Lizard Skynard - Photo copyright © Lizard Skynard
Lizard Skynard is a new heavy metal band featuring Erik “The Lizardman” Sprague (vocals), Mossy Vaughn (guitars), Russell Gillespie (bass), Johnny Baker (drums), and Erik Vaughn (keyboards). The sound of the band has been described as “... slithering... lunging hardcore, heavily drenched in psychedelic feedback and effects” (Teeth of the Divine), “... heavy .... loud ... freaked out beyond conception” (Wormwood Chronicles) and as “... five guys creating very serious, well orchestrated noise as if their lives depended on each second”

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the support! These guys are one step away from world domination!


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