15 Somewhat Mundane Facts About Jeffrey Dahmer:
  1. Disliked his brief employment as a phlebotomist because he hated sticking people with needles.
  2. Slept with around 200 people.
  3. Apparently liked flannel before it was cool–neighbor Vernell Bass recalled often seeing him in flannel, and he can be seen wearing flannel in several photographs.
  4. Was once as a senior given ten whacks from a paddle as punishment for being caught with alcohol at school.
  5. Admired jewelry, especially rings, and in fact bought a blue topaz ring for $1500 in the summer of 1987. He ended up pawning it a year later because he was low on cash.
  6. Vacuumed his apartment on Sundays. He generally liked keeping his home and his person very neat and tidy. However, when depressed, he would stop taking care of himself, going days without shaving or bathing, and his apartment would become littered with booze bottles.
  7. Thought it was a good idea to set up a Satanic altar complete with skulls and black glittering lights in his grandmother’s house.
  8. Favorite beer was Budweiser, “the king” of beers in his opinion.
  9. Liked McDonalds and once described himself as “living off” the restaurant chain’s food in a Thanksgiving home video recorded by his father.  Took refuge at the fast food establishment during his senior prom, which he decided to attend for some reason.
  10. Took German in high school.
  11. Enjoyed camp and the theatricality of drag queens.
  12. Among the items found in his apartment after his arrest were a tube of acne lotion, a taped episode of The Cosby Show, several jars of various protein powders, and two plastic griffins.  The only food in his apartment were bags of Doritos and Ruffles potato chips.
  13. Presented himself as a sort of class clown in high school, performing a variety of odd stunts such as bleating like a sheep, acting like a person afflicted with cerebal palsy, faking seizures, and screaming out random things in the middle of class.  However, his classmates usually laughed at him rather than with him, finding his sense of humor too dark and bizarre for comfort.
  14. Stated in his confession that he started drinking as young as age 13 to alleviate some of the severe shyness and anxiety he felt around his classmates.  A fellow student named Chip Crofoot reported that he’d seen Dahmer taking sips from a flask of gin he kept in his locker in seventh grade.
  15. Did not have air conditioning in his apartment.